Why bother with MDriven?

Why bother with MDriven? What MDriven brings to the table for corporations compared to other strategies to develop software systems available today.

Let me start with some definitions:

Definition 1: System Modernity means the technology, tools and strategies used to develop a software system.

I postulate that any system built with any System Modernity contains a fair bit of business knowledge relevant to solving the business problem the system was built for.

Definition 2: System Gist means any business knowledge built into a software system.

Having definitions 1 and 2 I argue the following: Different System Modernity comes and goes – they are usually modern 3 years and marginalized within 5 to 10 years. System Gist however can stay relevant for any length of time even though it may be in need of incremental updates due to changed processes and changes in the world around the system.

From the above it is easy to say what MDriven gives: Maintenance and development of the two areas of System Gist and System Modernity in separate tracks.

“…development of the two areas of System Gist and System Modernity in separate tracks”

The MDriven strategy makes use of algorithms to combine Gist and Modernity into the resulting system just in time.

Developers of System Gist can now strictly focus on business knowledge and developers of system Modernity can strictly focus on technology.

MDriven “the Company” builds Modernity stacks ready to deploy – and this enables organizations in need of information systems to rent a current Modernity from MDriven, while owning their Gist in-house. Once the Modernity is dated the system can update the Modernity and keep its Gist – avoiding a costly rewrite of the information system.

“…avoiding a costly rewrite…”

The MDriven strategy brings back the documented business knowledge that has been abandoned in many modern corporate information handling routines. This fact increases the structural capital owned by the company – and moves knowledge from individual heads into assets that stay within the company even when personnel leave, change roles or forget.

“…increases the structural capital owned by the company…”

Given a clear path to documented knowledge of complex business rules will enable organizations to grow more effectively and safe.

“…documented knowledge … will enable organizations to grow more effectively and safe…”

Since the information system is derived from the documentation with 100% fidelity – the system is verifiable in a way that was unpractical before – this is something certain organizations find valuable; life-science, military, legal to name a few. Having a verifiable system makes it easier to stay compliant (are we really doing what we say we do), to know who has access to what (granular role- plus information-based security) and to address IT security concerns (what attack surfaces does any given information-class have).

With MDriven strategies efforts of digitalization shift from coding to documentation – you describe the needs you have today – and as you learn more you update the Gist.

The shift from coding to documentation enable business-oriented persons to take control of digitalization efforts without going through technology-oriented persons. This is valuable for organizations that evolve fast and want to maintain their information systems equally fast.

“The shift from coding to documentation enable business-oriented persons to take control of digitalization ”


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