Business Designer Inspiration Modeling

Wednesdays with MDriven: Join the Conversation!

People enjoying a discussion about MDriven.

Are you an MDriven user or new to the MDriven World? Interested in learning more about MDriven? “Wednesdays with MDriven,” is an online meeting that welcomes all users, visitors, and other parties associated with MDriven. Hans Karlsen, the lead developer, and the MDriven Team lead and host it every last Wednesday of the month.    …

Designer Modeling

Make Debugging Easier with the OCL-Operators Tab

Debug faster with the OCL-Operators tab.

The OCL-Operators Tab Recently, MDriven introduced a new feature in MDriven Designer that will enhance your debugging experience: the OCL–Operators Tab. Let’s explore how this can simplify your workflow. What Are OCL Operators? Definition The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a declarative language that describes rules that apply to Unified Modeling Language (UML) models developed …

Framework Modeling

Remove Animations to Boost Performance in MDriven Designer

Remove animations in MDriven Designer

In the fast-paced world of software development, every second counts. When working with large models, we often encounter animations that, while visually appealing, can slow down our workflow. Additionally, animations on ViewModels—such as those triggered by clicking columns—can be frustratingly slow, especially on computers/laptops with weaker graphics cards. The Culprit: Animated Elements Large Models and …

Business Inspiration Modeling Turnkey

MDriven is not one thing – its seven and some extras

First thing: A fully normalized database-schema with generated keys for all associations – in most of the good DB- brands, following my uml model -whatever I do with it Second thing: A Business layer for objects with constraints and rules – following my uml model and ocl expressions – whatever I do with them – …


Transparency, an increasingly important aspect of software

Your system – any system – should be transparent in order to gain trust. Would you like to fly a Boeing Max 8 with mashup code from everywhere that no-one fully understands? You can trust systems that are not transparent – but it is easier to build trust for transparent systems. Transparent systems has been …