

Purpose and Outcome MDriven Learn is the MDriven Education program expanded and simplified to grow your experience with MDriven’s tools. As you study MDriven, the learning program will broaden your insight into why MDriven chooses to support a no-code approach to developing and building applications. Simplified Structure MDriven Learn is divided into specific sections. Documentation …

Business Inspiration


New Interface: Experience a fresh and vibrant look with our updated Wiki interface. We’ve organized items into a more structured format, featuring a bolder and brighter theme. The visually stimulating design aims to make your learning experience not only insightful but also relaxing and refreshing. Left-menu Feature: Introducing a foldable left-menu to the Wiki! This …

Business Inspiration

MDriven – Stay plastic–what does it mean

The word plastic: The main USP for MDriven is the ability to stay plastic no matter how complex or large the definition of your system-space is. MDriven is frequently compared to other low/no-code tools, but even if MDriven is equally as fast as those in taking you from Nothing to Something, MDriven is unique …

Business Inspiration Modeling Turnkey

MDriven is not one thing – its seven and some extras

First thing: A fully normalized database-schema with generated keys for all associations – in most of the good DB- brands, following my uml model -whatever I do with it Second thing: A Business layer for objects with constraints and rules – following my uml model and ocl expressions – whatever I do with them – …


MDriven Summit 2022

16 March – in Stockholm Post-Pandemic meet up with everyone that has an interest in MDriven! Customers, Developers, Curious! Presentations and mingling! Catch up and plans! Greetings from around the Globe! Beer and finger-food! Bring a friend (make them sign up) SIGN UP:

Business Inspiration

Why bother with MDriven?

Why bother with MDriven? What MDriven brings to the table for corporations compared to other strategies to develop software systems available today. Let me start with some definitions: Definition 1: System Modernity means the technology, tools and strategies used to develop a software system. I postulate that any system built with any System Modernity contains …