Business Designer Inspiration Modeling

Wednesdays with MDriven: Join the Conversation!

People enjoying a discussion about MDriven.

Are you an MDriven user or new to the MDriven World? Interested in learning more about MDriven? “Wednesdays with MDriven,” is an online meeting that welcomes all users, visitors, and other parties associated with MDriven. Hans Karlsen, the lead developer, and the MDriven Team lead and host it every last Wednesday of the month.    …

Inspiration MDriven Learn Wiki

Discover the Latest Updates in the MDriven Glossary

Have a look at the updates to the MDriven Glossary.

We are thrilled to tell you about the new and improved Glossary design! We’ve worked hard to make it more user-friendly and intuitive, so you can easily access and understand key terms and concepts within the Mdriven Wiki. Definitions are now presented on individual cards, making it easy for you to explore and learn more …


The Growing MDriven Team: Keep up with MDriven

The MDriven team is buzzing with excitement as we welcome new members to our growing family! We’re passionate about empowering users to unlock the full potential of model-driven development (MDD), and with our expanding team, we’re tackling several key projects throughout 2024. Building a Customer-Centered Information Hub Do you sometimes get stuck trying to find …

Designer Modeling

Make Debugging Easier with the OCL-Operators Tab

Debug faster with the OCL-Operators tab.

The OCL-Operators Tab Recently, MDriven introduced a new feature in MDriven Designer that will enhance your debugging experience: the OCL–Operators Tab. Let’s explore how this can simplify your workflow. What Are OCL Operators? Definition The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a declarative language that describes rules that apply to Unified Modeling Language (UML) models developed …

Framework Modeling

Remove Animations to Boost Performance in MDriven Designer

Remove animations in MDriven Designer

In the fast-paced world of software development, every second counts. When working with large models, we often encounter animations that, while visually appealing, can slow down our workflow. Additionally, animations on ViewModels—such as those triggered by clicking columns—can be frustratingly slow, especially on computers/laptops with weaker graphics cards. The Culprit: Animated Elements Large Models and …

Inspiration UI

Sit in the Front Row for the MDriven Video Experience

Check out the latest MDriven videos on our YouTube channel

The MDriven video tutorials give you a front-row seat to the MDriven World. Each video seeks to explain the ins and outs of the MDriven tools and how best to use them. The MDriven Video Experience seeks to help you achieve three things. Give you a starting point for your MDriven journey What is MDriven? …


MDRIVEN LEARN 2024: Unlock Your Mind as You Learn

Focus on MDriven Learn to gain knowledge on everything MDriven.

Purpose and Outcome MDriven Learn is MDriven’s education program expanded and simplified to grow your experience with MDriven’s tools. As you study MDriven, the learning program will broaden your insight into why MDriven chooses to support a low/no-code approach to developing and building applications. Simplified Structure MDriven Learn contains hundreds of articles explaining basics such …

Business Inspiration


New Interface: Experience a fresh and vibrant look with our updated Wiki interface. We’ve organized items into a more structured format, featuring a bolder and brighter theme. The visually stimulating design aims to make your learning experience not only insightful but also relaxing and refreshing. Left-menu Feature: Introducing a foldable left-menu to the Wiki! This …