Business Designer Inspiration Modeling

Wednesdays with MDriven: Join the Conversation!

People enjoying a discussion about MDriven.

Are you an MDriven user or new to the MDriven World? Interested in learning more about MDriven? “Wednesdays with MDriven,” is an online meeting that welcomes all users, visitors, and other parties associated with MDriven. Hans Karlsen, the lead developer, and the MDriven Team lead and host it every last Wednesday of the month.    …


The Growing MDriven Team: Keep up with MDriven

The MDriven team is buzzing with excitement as we welcome new members to our growing family! We’re passionate about empowering users to unlock the full potential of model-driven development (MDD), and with our expanding team, we’re tackling several key projects throughout 2024. Building a Customer-Centered Information Hub Do you sometimes get stuck trying to find …

Business Inspiration


New Interface: Experience a fresh and vibrant look with our updated Wiki interface. We’ve organized items into a more structured format, featuring a bolder and brighter theme. The visually stimulating design aims to make your learning experience not only insightful but also relaxing and refreshing. Left-menu Feature: Introducing a foldable left-menu to the Wiki! This …

Business Inspiration

MDriven – Stay plastic–what does it mean

The word plastic: The main USP for MDriven is the ability to stay plastic no matter how complex or large the definition of your system-space is. MDriven is frequently compared to other low/no-code tools, but even if MDriven is equally as fast as those in taking you from Nothing to Something, MDriven is unique …

Business Inspiration Modeling Turnkey

MDriven is not one thing – its seven and some extras

First thing: A fully normalized database-schema with generated keys for all associations – in most of the good DB- brands, following my uml model -whatever I do with it Second thing: A Business layer for objects with constraints and rules – following my uml model and ocl expressions – whatever I do with them – …


In MDriven everything starts with the type-system–just as in life

Define : Add definition to a type-system Calculate : Describe logical transformation within a type-system Action : Change and add instances within the type-system Bringing definition, calculation and action together results in the ability to perform arbitrary computation. Computational ability is a fascinating thing and many signs point to that this is how the universe …