
Wednesdays with MDriven

2022 14 September

We discussed the vision of MDriven and how MDrivenServer fits into it.

2022 31 August


Technically this is the 2de meetup for the season – but we had a “Mulligan” on the first. Posted this video of walkthrough of some of the many possibilists that the PlacingContainers enable you to do:

The meeting is hosted on , every other wednesday at 19.00 CET (UTC+1)

Woho! MDriven Summit 2022


Meet 2022 3/3

Learn how you can add your own views to the model designer to see the contents of your model in new ways – using the same strategy as you do for your own applications :

Meet 2022 16/2

In this session we discuss recent ServerSide jobs improvements. The perfect way to give your system a “pulse” – or move work to elsewhere from your UI. This session discuss definition, debugging and error catching.

Meet 2022 2/2

PSEval – the new ocl operator that makes it easy and clean to mix in expressions that evaluate in the database

Meet 2022 19/1

We talked OCL debug stepping and expressions

Warming up with new functionality to debug-step ocl:

2021 Autumn

Meet 8/12

In this MDriven discussion we show the new operators on boolean caseTrueFalse and WhenTrue. These can be used to make the ocl-expressions more streamlined than with clunky if-then-else-endif :

Meet 24/11

We are working on visual studio 2022 support. An introduction on where we are and what will be:

Meet 10/11

Learning how to model with MDriven. We are always on the lookout for ways to make it easier to understand what MDriven is in order to let more people discover the power of model driven development. We have one idea in particular that we want to show and discuss.

Meet 27/10

Tonight the topic was static html vs applications and how we can use functions in MDriven to publish cached derived complex data in any shape or form for fast access by search-engines and users (with low effort). CacheInvalidation and ocl operator XHtmlReportAsString will be discussed.

I hope you can hear my enthusiasm in the video even though I have a serious man-cold. Having 100% control of structured data AND full ability to transform all data with precision AND having an auto invalidating cache mechanism is so science fiction and make building information-complex scalable systems fun and straight forward. Video-link

Meet 13/10

It turned into an open discussion on this and that:

Meet 29/9

Debugging has many sides to it – from understanding data to stepping code. In tonight’s session we will look at some new features in the Model-debugger (your go-to-tool for investigating data) and also point out some resources to see how you can step through codedress code while running in Turnkey – and setting up your codedress code for isolated development or testing – but still with access to data.


During the session Derek asked about bringing up the debugger from your own code:

Eco.WPF.WPFDequeuer.Active = true;  // The debugger (and all MDriven WPF UI needs the WPFDequeuer active to make derivations on screen evaluate)

var debugger=new MDriven.WPF.Debugger.OCLRuntimeDebuggerWPF(ecospace);


Meet 15/9

Finally we managed to catch the meeting on video. Check out 3D graphics with ThreeJS in MDriven :

2021 Summer is here!

Meet 2/6 2021 Next generation UX rules

Last session before Summer-break!
We have come a long way from when we first wrote the manifest of what constitutes a LineOfBusiness-application:

There are signs that it is not complete – and we invite everyone to think about how to evolve this manifesto. Moving to the web and focus on UX that can work on phones and the-web-at-large probably will result in changes to our governing document and then result in new possibilities in MDriven UI stuff.


Meet 19/5 2021 GoFundMe and TagExpander

Update on the Linux project.
Lets discuss the UI future – what is your gut feeling?
Notice that Microsoft is vague at best on this subject; Currently they say that WPF is ok, UWP is ok, WinUI is ok, Xamarin Forms is ok and will turn into MAUI that will be ok. They also say that UNO is ok. They then say that Web is ok, especially with Blazor on webassembly.
Who cares?
What are the rewrites needed for you once the Modernity switch?


Meet 6/5 2021 GoFundMe and TagExpander

We have a GoFundMe campaign to move faster to Linux enablement of servers:
TagExpander – new functionality to lower the fashion dream threshold

The video from the meet:

We also found out why the images would not show in the demo: it was an issue on the build machine not building the typescript into js for the core projects – fixed now – but need to figure out why the core compiler skips the TS…

Meet 21/4 2021 & 7/4

Due to two different technical mishaps the videos for these 2 sessions has been lost

Meet 24/3 2021 ViewModel-Editor – overview of usage and features Continued- Q&A – Rest or UI Allowed, ActAs-Expressions etc

x Rest Allowed

x UI Allowed –

x ActAs-Expressions

x Method pre-conditions

x ViewInView

RenderedBy  – this was a question we got just after the meeting was over – maybe we will bring up the next time – or something else completly.

Thanks for participating!

Meet 10/3 2021 ViewModel-Editor – overview of usage and features Continued- Q&A – DeepClone, Transform, Tajson and some debugger news

x Clone

x Transform

x TaJson

x Debugger news

Rest Allowed

UI Allowed



We did not get through the list this time either – partly because we added some things – we will keep at it!

The transform demo failed to show its point and I promised to explain why – so I checked it and it turned out we transformed a null object. This was due to us not having an enable expression on the action – so I only thought we had a vCurrent_ when we did not:


I fixed it:


And then we get a transformation from Thing/Details to Order/OrderRows:


Meet 24/2 2021 ViewModel-Editor – overview of usage and features Continued- Q&A – Again!

x Seekers/ OrderExpression

x ServerSide



Rest Allowed


Meet 10/2 2021 ViewModel-Editor – overview of usage and features Continued- Q&A

x Actions (Buttons, vs left side)

x Periodic actions

x AutoForm template

Seekers/ OrderExpression




Rest Allowed

Bug of subscribing to constraints was found during the session – now fixed

Meet 27/1 2021 ViewModel-Editor – overview of usage and features – Q&A


x Rooted or not

x UI First

x Column by Column

x Variables

x Pick from Model

x Nestings to Many, Nesting to One

x vCurrent_ variables

x vSelected_ variables

x Readonly expressions

x Visible Expressions

x Style expressions

x GroupBox

Actions (Buttons, vs left side)

Periodic actions

AutoForm template

Seekers/ OrderExpression




Rest Allowed

Meet 13/1 2021 – Models Models Models

Instead of the traditional puzzle games this Christmas we worked on a more generic puzzle – auto place algorithms.


Last year; 2020

Meet 16/12 – How about local servers in .net core for even faster roundtrip?

Video link:

Meet 2/12 – – with SignalR notifications

Stuff like ODT to PDF transformation might as well be put in external (micro) services – but we sure do want to know when jobs are done in realtime!

Meet 18/11 – CodeDress – the ability to inject your c# into Turnkey by using the MDrivenFramework

Video link: – the demo ran into a few snags but issues are sorted in current builds

The agenda for 4/11 – Styling – without deep diving into css you can do a lot of styling with data in Turnkey

Video from the session:

The agenda for 21/10 – Discussion on the newly added Realtime functionality in MDrivenServer and MDrivenTurnkey

Video from the session:

The agenda for 7/10 – Demo and discussion around the consideration of rendering of viewmodel defined UI’s in html

The video captured during this sessions is here

The agenda for 23/9 – Expose Rest, call it from javascript by enabling Cors, and authenticate

Thank you all for participating – here is the video:

The agenda for 9/8 – MDrivenServer overhaul

The important MDrivenServer has been given an overhaul regarding design and functions. Demo will show how to install it on local IIS and its new UI and functions.

The video from this session:

Also – I ran into trouble when trying to show how to connect to MDrivenServer with PersistenceMapperWebAPI. Made a new video for that:

The agenda for 27/8 – cache invalidation

Thanks to all that attended – caught this video of the event:

Also read the background on cache invalidation:  cache-invalidation-a-real-problem-for-us-all

The agenda for the next meeting 12th August at 19.00 UTC+1

First session after summer holidays. We will show the new Wizard built into MDrivenDesigner. We need to lower the bar for newbies getting started with MDriven and maybe this wizard is on to something?

Video from the demo:

The agenda for the next meeting 17th of June at 19.00 UTC+1

Agenda for tonight: We will demo Localization support – for MDriven and Turnkey systems. In order to show the practical work with translations we will also demo the ExcelPlugin that is a practical tool for Turnkey systems

The agenda for the next meeting 3th of June at 19.00 UTC+1

Tonight we will demo the new Merge-Model functionality of MDriven. This is a great functionality if combined with to-the-point-small-example-models, because then you can simply add more examples and increase functionality of your system without actually doing any modelling on your own! It becomes  “much larger puzzle pieces”.  I had not fully anticipated the effect of the merge-model logic – but now that I have tried it out I think it is a revolution! Watch a video of it here:

We invite to open discussion on all the challenges that exists in building large information systems that are easy to maintain and extend!

The agenda for the next meeting 20th of May at 19.00 UTC+1

Last fortnight it was Lars Olofsson presenting MDriven Turnkey architecture – thank you all that participated in the discussions around that subject.

This time we are going to demo how to replace part of the generated UI in MDrivenTurnkey  with components you easily control/build yourself. Components and replaceability is essential to get a Turnkey based system to fit any purpose. Since the distinction between the data provision (Gist defined by declarative view models) and rendered UI (Fashion) is so clear in the architecture it should be real easy to inject your own fashion-parts – and it is – join us tonight and see for yourself!

The agenda for the next meeting 6th of May at 19.00 UTC+1

Thanks to all of you that joined last time. Interesting to hear your thoughts on software transparency!

MDriven-representative – welcome and short introduction

  • Everyone that was on the last session gets time for a short recap; Name, City and project or major events since last
  • All new members get 1-2 minutes per person for a short introduction – Name, city, current project, background, future
  • Upon user request Lars Olofsson (MDriven) will walk through the MDriven and Turnkey servers architecture, the web client and how you might use it – or – get ideas from our work in your application.
  • With the time left you can raise questions to MDriven or to other participants
  • MDriven-representative close the meeting on the hour (20.00 GMT+2 ) and we are welcome to continue discussion on the chat or in other format

The agenda for the next meeting 22th April at 19.00 UTC+1

First of all: Thank you to all that made the last meet so good and enjoyable! We had 14 attendants and a good round-the-table introduction of everyone

  • MDriven-representative – welcome and short introduction
  • Everyone that was on the last session get a minute to recap ; Name, City and project or major events since last
  • All new members get 2 minutes per person short introduction – Name, city, current project, background, future
  • Hans Karlsen (MDriven) will demo the concept and tool to get Software transparency in MDriven systems – as defined here:
  • Open discussion on the topic of the day ; transparency in software – your thoughts – your ideas – pros and cons….
  • With the time left you can raise questions to MDriven or to other participants
  • MDriven-representative close the meeting on the hour (20.00 GMT+2 ) and we are welcome to continue discussion on the chat or in other format

The agenda for the next meeting 8th April at 19.00 UTC+1

  • MDriven-representative – welcome and short introduction
  • 2 minutes per person short introduction of everyone in the meeting – Name, city, current project
  • MDriven-representative describe main focus points on development and projects
  • we split 30minutes and share it between attendances
    • – in this slot you can choose what to say; describe what you do – challenges – shortcommings – things you worry about – suggest a topic for the next meet etc
  • With the time left you can raise questions to MDriven or to other participants
  • MDriven-representative close the meeting on the hour (20.00 GMT+2 ) and we are welcome to continue discussion on the chat or in other format

Introducing the MDriven Discussion group

  • What should this group do? Our idea is to listen to all needs and suggestions – as well as provide information on progress and goals
  • Who is this group for? Our idea is that anyone in anyway associated with MDriven can participate
  • Can you come and go? Our suggestion is Between meetings yes – but during meeting preferably no –
  • How long should the meeting be? We think 1 hour and that we respect the time so that people can plan
  • How often do we have this meeting? We suggest bi-weakly initially
  • Why is the meeting held at off European business hours? We will start like this and see how it goes and if we have better suggestions
  • why is it online meeting? Corona and logistics

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