The EcoCore Package contains builds with .netStandard 2.1 and Core 3.1 as of November 2020.

Updates to the .netStandard and Core 3.1

As of build 12695 (2020-11-30), the EcoCore Package contains builds with .netStandard 2.1 and Core 3.1. The reason behind the update (besides normal maintenance) was driven by the TurnkeyCore implementation…

Doing stuff later

When you have an MDrivenServer you can do a lot of useful things in serverside jobs.Up until now there has been one common and one fantastic way to trigger serverside…

Introducing Styles In Model

Before you go berserk and scream at the top of your voice : “STYLING IS A UI THING AND SHOULD NOT GO INTO THE MODEL SINCE IT WILL BREAK THE…


Localization is the processes of translating a product to work in a new culture or language.When it comes to MDriven we are in a good seat for handling all the…

The Modern QueryPlanner

The goal of the Modern Queryplanner is this:Reduce server roundtrips for data fetch by analyzing viewmodel context and inform server with precision on what to deliver. Doing this will reduce…

Cursored or Full Tree

There are two ways to look at object graphs used for defining ViewModels in MDriven.“Cursored” or “Full Tree”Consider this model:Lets say we have 1 Class1 object that has 2 Class2…